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Kurz byl zahájen, ale stále je možné se přihlásit/ Bookings still open

Ready for Summer Workout

Monday 18:00-19:00

Detaily o kurzu / Course details

If you are looking for a way to ignite your metabolism, torch fat and sculpt lean muscle, then this class is what you need. Our amazing instructor, Juliana from Colombia, offers a dynamic HIIT-style workout that is ideal for those who are in search of an all-round fitness boost. In this class, you will develop stamina, resilience, balance and strength, working the whole body. I'm not going to sugarcoat it; the classes can be challenging at times. But Juliana's contagious smile, her Latin music playlist, and that exhilarating endorphin rush will keep you going strong in every session! There's no need to be super fit to start! This class is for anyone ready to work towards their fitness goals, no matter their starting point. In our cozy group of up to 6 participants, there's room to be real, share laughs about our shared challenges and progress together. Would you like to try? We offer a trial class option. When signing up, you pay just 100 CZK upfront and we ask you for the rest of the course fee only if you decide to continue.

  • Začalo 13. 5.
  • 500 českých korun

Máme volná místa / Available spots

Nadcházející lekce / Upcoming sessions

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